The Grass Head

 The Grass Head

This is the story of a man named Hari whose fortune of regrowing his lost hair went up sowing grass on his head.

Hari is a competitive guy who completed his academics and was placed in a well-known private limited company. As the years pass, he is getting an incremental salary,  exponential work, and an added incremental factor i.e lifestyle change. 

As a product of this bio-quadratic equation, He felt that it's his time to become a well socially accepted man through the things, looks, habits, and materials he possessed.

In the process of managing his professional pressure and chasing the social status game he has started consuming fermented drinks, eating all forms of animals that can fly, walk and swim and taking high caffeine, added sugar beverages. 

With all the added advantages and disadvantages in his life. His body is bearing the bi-products mainly his head which is bearing the most.

Thereby his body experiences  some side effects and some upside effects that concerns him the most i.e

the hair loss.

Day by day he sees dozens of hair falling while combing, and multiple of dozens while head washing and over the pillow its seems that the hair started growing on the pillow too. It's such, while sweeping the room his hair founds the most than the dust. he was terrible about it.

He started using the highly marketed hair products, but sadly it became worse. he was so disappointed with the results.

His hair loss became one of the most disgusting discussed subjects at family and friends gatherings.

With these added humiliations his head almost went bald. 

As days pass, he has no need to go to Hair cut since no more hair is left on his head.

As his bald head made him inferior to society, One day he found a sage near a temple with long hair and a full beard. Then he thought of how did these sages grow such long hair without proper conditioning 



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